Chocolate-free day 1!

  • The following evidence proves that I am becoming more of a warrior every day
    I went to bed much later than normal last night (11.30) and still feel wonderful today. Granted I stayed in bed later than a week day, however I still side stepped the story ‘I must be in bed by 10’ – so Warrior that!
  • Today the Warrior in me appreciates
    Stamps – good old fashioned snail mail J My shorts. Blue sky. Comedy. And my ears!
  • Today my thoughts & feelings will be
    Thoughts could be anything as I am going to rise to the weekend challenge and listen to others and my own thoughts!
    I feel gratitude today, for the small things as well as the big. Here is to a sparkly shiny day of appreciation!
  • I have consulted my inner Warrior and the inspired action that I aspire to do is
    Do something for myself this weekend. I have been doing lots of giving this week and I want to be sure I continue to love myself so my pot is never empty, then I can give more!

Last night I sat down and re-read my whole Warrior journey – it was lovely to have my original blog back and remind myself of some of the moments. One of the things early on that Deb asked us to do, was to “Bring it back to me” – meaning whatever is happening, if we feel something or have some thoughts, bring them back to ourselves. Any feeling is arising from thoughts we are having, and the only place to sort out any bad feelings is with ourselves. So I shall be having a go at this again over the next week or so. It will be interesting to see what my feelings are telling me!

Day 34 and a new weekend challenge; to listen. To listen to other people, rather than assuming we know what they might say or what they mean, to actually listen. And to listen, even if we are on our own, to music, to our own thoughts, simply listen. Interesting challenge for someone like me who talks – A LOT! So I started my day sitting in bed, listening to the birds outside, I heard a plane and the distant traffic, it was a very peaceful start to the day. I also listened to the radio and when I turned off the radio I listened, for a moment, to the silence. I spent some time with my mum this evening and we both talk a lot, so it was definitely a challenge for me to stop talking and listen, and I am not sure I wholeheartedly succeeded. I will keep trying though, I am very aware that I talk a lot (I find myself very interesting, ha ha), so I will need to put in some effort on this one. Watch this space!

I have noticed a lot recently, that once something is in our awareness we see it everywhere…for example, when you buy a new car, don’t you notice that it seems everyone has the same style car?! Well that works with all sorts, now that I have been asked to consider my habits, I am seeing lots of them! I have loads of little things I am working around at the moment – being chocolate free, listening, bringing things back to me – so any habits I identify I am just going to allow them to be for now (unless it’s really obvious they need to change instantly). I just found it really cool that once something is in our awareness our brains are on the lookout, without us even realising!


I love that I am still learning. I love that I hold myself responsible. I love that I can enjoy the simple things, today – changing my bed, hanging my washing in the glorious sunshine, strolling to the shops in the sun. I love how comfortable I am with myself. I love that I have successfully gone a whole day without chocolate!

I want to show a little mummy love today – my mum came around this evening so that we could spend some time booking our accommodation for our holiday together in Greece. She arrived with some toilet rolls – one of the (many) things that my mum does for me is buy my toilet rolls. I cant even remember when this started, but she gets the very large packets for a decent price so she gets mine at the same time. Such a small thing really, but isn’t it the small things that make the big difference? My mum is also taking part in the Warrior course and I am so proud of her for doing it – I can see the changes in her – when we have conversations about thoughts and such, 6 months ago we wouldn’t have seen things the same way and now we are both looking at things from a similar view point. I am so proud of her!

Well its bedtime for me, day 2 of chocolate-free tomorrow – could be a difficult one if Nan has made her famous chocolate cake!

For the first part of my Warrior journey, see

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